Palo Alto Medical Foundation Pediatric Court
Palo Alto, CA
The pediatrics staff of the Palo Alto Medical Foundation requested a themed children’s play area adjacent to the pediatrics clinic and waiting area. ABLA designed a series of themed children’s play areas that provide both active and passive play for children as well as an area for parents. The pediatrics staff and patients selected the scheme “By The Sea” as the concept. Components of the design include a beach shore, grass huts, a gang plank, an abalone shell design bench and paving, resilient surfacing depicting ocean waves, a climbing boat structure and a sand digging area. An emphasis was placed on the research and selection of plant material which focused not only on the theme of the sea-side design, but also on the selection of non-toxic plant materials.
ABLA is providing the concept, design development, and documentation for this area. This includes play area hardscape and softscape layout, grading and detailing. The design process involves extensive collaboration with the PAMF pediatrics staff, the City of Palo Alto Arts Commission, the City of Palo Alto Planning Department and the Architectural Review Board.