Palo Alto Medical Foundation
Palo Alto, California
The fifteen-acre campus for the distinguished Palo Alto Medical Foundation contains a complex of new buildings providing research facilities, out-patient clinics, and administration. The site is located on a highly visible Palo Alto site on El Camino Real across from Stanford University. Site development included two major pedestrian landscaped plazas, a pedestrian/auto entry piazza over two levels of below-grade parking, and on-grade site development for parking and landscaping. The project site planning preserved several specimen live oak trees. Approximately 2.8 acres of the landscaping for the site was developed over sub-surface parking. Included in the project was the development of a Play Area associated with the Pediatrics Department and a Serenity Court associated with the Radiation Therapy Department.
ABLA was responsible for the initial master plan, site development and landscape design for all outdoor areas. This included hardscape, softscape layout, roadway and parking layout, grading and detailing for all site and landscape areas. The design process involved a five year design review process prior to the completion of the approval process. This project also involved extensive collaboration with the City of Palo Alto Planning Department, Architectural Review Board, City Planning Commission, City Council, and the Palo Alto Arts Commission. The scope of work included schematic design through construction observation.