Hamilton Family Housing is a non-profit association dedicated to providing support, training and temporary housing to homeless families. Hamilton Family Center houses a 14-unit transitional residential facility for families and children, a counseling center, day care center, as well as the administrative facilities of Hamilton Family Housing. To meet the needs of its clients, the Center provides counseling, household financial management training and a licensed children’s’ day care facility.
The project scope included site development and construction of two buildings within a single, long lot straddling Hayes and Fell Streets in San Francisco. An outdoor courtyard garden and pergola covered walk connecting the two buildings were the focus for the project.
1530 Fell Street, San Francisco, California
The design vision for the site and landscape development was to create a place of respite and a haven for the residents, as well as for the administrative staff of Hamilton Family Center. As such, the outdoor court, central to the site provides, lush plantings, sunny exposures and comfortable places seating areas. The day care center features an outdoor recreation area with plantings for children, play structure and a play house. Additional landscape design work included screening between the site and adjacent residential properties, street tree plantings and landscaping of street frontages. The design process involved extensive collaboration with the Mayor’s Office of Housing.