1670 Owens Parking Garage
Mission Bay, San Francisco, California
This new parking structure is located on the Alexandria Real Estate Equities Biotechnology Campus Blocks 41, 42, 43, within Mission Bay. The multi-level building has capacity for 823 autos and 6 motorcycles. The building was a design build collaboration, with Turner Construction and the architectural design team. A main goal of the design of the structure was the careful integration of the building footprint within a constricted site bounded by the 280 Freeway, the Gladstone Institute, C Street and 1700 Owens building. Using vertical “Green Screen” panels, the design seeks to integrate the large building mass and facades into the campus setting. The careful use of materials and signage further adds a pedestrian scale to the building.
Consistent with the concept for the building, the landscape design developed a deep green layering of two species of tall and low trees along the west facade. Along the east facade, opposite the Gladstone Institute, the site was developed to complement and fit into the existing landscape, pedestrian circulation, truck access and servicing requirements. Similarly, the landscape development of the south side of the building reinforces the existing campus landscape and site circulation at 1700 Owens. Along the north side of the building, the landscape was designed to compliment the site development of the future 1600 Owens Life Science building.